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New York yankees
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Power Rankings
1.Boston red sox
2.New York Yankees
3.Los Angeles Dodgers
4.Houston Astros
5.Chicago cubs

The yankees had a very good season going 100- 62 being one of three teams to get 100 wins or over. The yankees made it to the playoffs and got to the ALCS ( American league Champion Series) but then lost to the Boston Red Sox. The Red sox later beat the dodgers to win the world series. A couple important rules are If you get three strikes on you you are out, If you get 4 balls on you you walk and get a free base and lastly if you hit a ball in the air and the other team catches it, you are out. A couple jargons are an ace which is a teams best pitcher, a pickle which is where a baserunner gets caught in the middle of the base path and runs back and forth and tries to avoid getting out, lastly a dinger is a home run. A cliche about baseball is that it is very boring to play or watch. If you know whats going on its not really that boring, but even i will admit it does get boring to watch but not to play.

A legendary athlete is Pete Rose. he was born in Cincinnati Ohio and and went to Western Hills High school. He played on the Cincinnati reds and Montreal expos. He has the all time most hits, singles, games, and at bats. He had 4,256 hits. He is not in the hall of fame though because while he was a coach he gambled on his team and the MLB banned him from being in the hall of fame.


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