aperture, shutter speed, and iso

Image result for photo taken at aperture setting F2.8
photo taken at F2.8

Image result for photo taken at F16 or higher
photo taken at f16 or higher

1. we can relate aperture to eyes. It is like pupils they open and close.

2. the smaller the aperture the more light. the bigger the aperture the more light.

3. it makes the person who's looking at the picture focus on that one thing and nothing else in the picture.

A) A slow shutter speed because there is no movement.
B) A slow shutter speed because there is little movement
C) A fast shutter speed because they are moving.
D) A fast shutter speed
E) Fast shutter speed because everyone is moving fast.
F) fast because you are trying to take a picture of the ball mid air not blurry.

when its dark out

A) Longer shutter-speed to make it look brighter out.
B) Longer shutter-speed because it is darker out.
C)Faster because people are moving.
D)Longer because you need to be able to see the person.
E) Faster because you want to capture all the people moving.
F) faster because you don't want your picture to be blurry. Also longer so its not dark.


Image result for 200 iso picture

Image result for 3200 iso picture

1. A higher iso will give you a better quality picture
2. Use low iso in dim environments.
3. Use high iso in bright environments.

1. aperture are
2.8, 4 , 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 24

2. shutter speed is
1, 1/60, 1/40000


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