final exam part 3

We should not just give children money and we should make them have to earn their allowance. In the real world if you don't do your job or are constantly going to jail you are not going to earn any money. When they get an actual job are they just going to be handed money for doing nothing, or are they going to have to work for it .
If your child is misbehaving you should not be giving him or her money. Also getting money for doing nothing doesn't really teach a kid to be financially responsible. If you actually earned that money you will appreciate it more. You will also not want to spend it as much because thats all your hard work.
In my family we always had to do chores around the house, get good grades and to not be acting up in class. It was fine because thats how it is when i actually get a real job and there preparing more for the real world.
 If you give a kid money there probably not going to want to save it, there going to want to buy a new toy or something. This does not teach a child to be financially responsible and is not a good thing. If your child is always getting money handed to him or her , the child going to get a little lazy and think that they don't really have to work. This is very bad for the real world because lazy is the last thing you want to be. It is sending the wrong message to your child.
Unless your child wins the lottery, giving them money is not the right approach. If there working in a regular job they are going to have to work a lot , something they might not be used to. There not going to be used to actually doing work and might get fired.
On the other hand, a child that has been working hard and earning money will be ready to work in a real job. They will be more likely to succeed and more ready for the challenges ahead.
Making children work for there money helps in many ways, it makes them a harder worker, financially responsible, and ready for the world. If you are a parent you should definitely make your child work for there money and teach them that hard work pays off. It will help them in the future.


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