Ethics in the media

1. Aaargh! pirates ! - The situation is that a  rolling stones album was leaked online and people didn't have to pay to listen to the album they could just download it. This is very bad for Rolling Stones because nobody's going to buy their album if it is free somewhere else. I don't think this is ethical exceptable because Rolling stones worked really hard or their album and now everyone can just get it it for free. It is not very fair to them. I also feel like Rolling Stones should have done more to prevent this. I think it is and on everyones part because yes people should not do this but its also Rolling Stones fault.

2. Who's the "predator"- To catch a predator is a tv show with Chris Hansen where they lure an adult that wants to do sexual stuff with a minor into a house then Chris Hansen talks with them and the adult gets arrested. I think the shouldn't do this show because not only is it just creepy its very embarrassing to the adult and nobody deserves that even if they are trying to do bad things. I could also see how this show could be helpful because it shows your parents that there are people out there that might be talking to your children who might be 40 year man. All in all this show is kind of weird and i wouldn't watch it and i think its unethical.

3. Using the holocaust metaphor- In 2003 peta launched a new campaign named Holocaust on your plate. This campaign compares the slaughtering on animals to killing 6 million Jews. A Jewish peta member founded this campaign. The central council of Jews in Germany sued peta. I think this is very unethical. To compare animals dying to one of the worst things that ever happened in human history is comical. I see how peta might think this is a good idea but its just not right and they deserve to get sued. They definitely should have used another analogy. It is bad what is happening to animals but it does not compare what happened in WWII.


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